Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) is a centrally sponsored scheme for funding state level institutions. RUSA is an umbrella scheme to be operated in mission mode over the two plan periods (XII and XIII plan), which seeks to mainly improve the overall quality of the existing state higher educational institutions. Lady Keane College being a beneficiary of the RUSA scheme has benefitted quite a lot not only in terms of infrastructure but also in terms of equity initiative programmes under this scheme. Infrastructure wise, a new building has been constructed and as a result, more classrooms are now available to be utilized by the different departments that are in the college thereby easing the pressure on room constraints. The renovated rooms have been aesthetically upgraded and the college is now utilizing these rooms to the maximum extent. Under the equity initiative programmes, the college has conducted programs on soft skills, career counselling, gender sensitization awareness, computer classes, yoga classes and self-defence classes. All these programmes have really benefitted the students.
At present, the College under RUSA 2.0 is going for new construction of classrooms, renovation and upgradation of the existing infrastructure and also procuring laboratory equipments, additional computers, books and journals specifically for the Departments of BTTM and Computer Science (BCA), which are newly introduced Departments.
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